Hardware solutions for control and monitoring
Idacs 8 technology provides RTU and communications front-end features for control and monitoring of great scale industrial
installations in hostile environments such as high voltage substations or power plants. This duality simplifies the implementation of distributed
architecture systems, thus helping to reduce wiring costs and simplifying future system expansion. As an RTU, Idacs 8 combine I/O, data processing
and registry, PLC's, automatisms and the ability to communicate using multiple standard protocols.
Idacs 8 can manage communication channels towards:
A wide range of third party IEDs like protection relays, network analyzers, external PLCs, etc.
Setis-IED units (SEMI I/O oriented intelligent devices). For further information, please review Setis brochures and product manual.
Other Idacs RTUs present in the installation in a distributed architecture.
Different control centers.
Besides the RTU signal process tasks and built-in parametric automatisms (state-machine and controllers) Idacs 8 includes a PLC
functionality to perform a wide range of control tasks.
Idacs 8 can be used as:
Remote Terminal Unit with control functionality (PLC) including embedded and customizable state-machine and PI, PD controllers.
Monitor and control of electricity transformation facilities: HV/MV substations and transformation centers.
Monitor and control of electric power plants: Hydroelectric power plants, wind farms, ...
Water management. Facilities such as canal and floodgates systems, floodgate control or dam emergency plans.
Communications gateway supporting a wide range of protocols:
SEMI S.A (A28018083), se encuentra adherida al sistema colectivo de responsabilidad ampliada de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, conforme a lo dispuesto en el Real Decreto 110/2015, siendo gestionada por la Fundación ECOTIC (G63809214), y estando inscrita en el Registro de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos dependiente del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (REI-RAEE) con el número 3789.
Asimismo, en cumplimiento de la normativa vigente relativa a la reutilización, reciclabilidad y reparabilidad de los productos, según ley 07/2022 del 8 de abril y RD 110/2015, se informa de que todos los equipos de SEMI pueden ser reparables, pudiéndose tramitar este proceso a través de la dirección física de la sede de SEMI TELECONTROL que figura en su página web www.telecontrolsemi.com o a través del email sat@gruposemi.com.
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