A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. We use them to enhance the user experience on our site.
We use basically 'First-party' cookies set by the website you’re visiting. Only our website can read them. In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies.
Every time you visit telecontrolSEMI.com, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies.
The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name, id or cookies acceptance) for a certain period of time.
That way, you don’t have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit.
Most of them expire when the browser session is closed.
Own cookies, they are technical cookies needed for the proper functioning of this website.
Name | Content | Expires |
EU_COOKIE_LAW_CONSENT | It consents the cookies policy of this site. | 30 days |
PHPSESSID | This cookie is used by PHP to allow session variables to be saved on the server. | Until leaving |
cookname | It saves user name to prevent multiple identifications on the same browser session (Customer's area). | 7 days or until leaving |
cookid | It saves an unique cookie id as a support for the previous cookie (Customer's area). | 7 days or until leaving |
We do not use marketing, advertising or personalization nor any other kind of cookies but the strictly necessary ones for the website to run properly.
We do not use persistent cookies.
We do not share information or cookies with third parties.
This website uses mostly first party cookies set and controlled by telecontrolSEMI, not by any external organisation. However some of our pages show external providers content such as Google maps.
By clicking on them they might be using cookies.
To view this third-party content, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policies, which we have no control over.
Third-party providers on telecontrolSEMI.com:
Google Maps .
SEMI S.A (A28018083), se encuentra adherida al sistema colectivo de responsabilidad ampliada de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, conforme a lo dispuesto en el Real Decreto 110/2015, siendo gestionada por la Fundación ECOTIC (G63809214), y estando inscrita en el Registro de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos dependiente del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (REI-RAEE) con el número 3789.
Asimismo, en cumplimiento de la normativa vigente relativa a la reutilización, reciclabilidad y reparabilidad de los productos, según ley 07/2022 del 8 de abril y RD 110/2015, se informa de que todos los equipos de SEMI pueden ser reparables, pudiéndose tramitar este proceso a través de la dirección física de la sede de SEMI TELECONTROL que figura en su página web www.telecontrolsemi.com o a través del email sat@gruposemi.com.
Copyright © 2017 TelecontrolSEMI. all rights reserved.